One of my friends says every book has little “nuggets” of truth or knowledge to be learned in them. You just have to mine sometimes.
I’d say I count every finished book a success if I walk away with one new thing I didn’t have before. New knowledge, a different perspective, a new truth.
I typically try to switch back and forth between business/self-help books and christian or leisure reads. So in my (short) list of books I read this year—because let’s face it, who ever reads as much as they hope to—you’ll find a variety of genres.
As business owners, we all wear many hats. Designer, bookkeeper, social media manager, marketer, email manager. The list goes on.
It can often get overwhelming.
The best way I’ve found to maintain sanity and keep things running smoothly, is to use systems. I have a system for just about every portion of my business from client design process, to invoicing, to content creation.
In order to stick with those systems and processes, I use programs designed for those specific tasks. So I’ve put a list together of which programs I use that help keep this business running.
This post is an exciting one for me. A couple months ago, one of my dear friends reached out about a project he was working on.
He had decided to run for office. Not just any office, but U.S. House Representative. Not only that, but he asked for my help with his campaign’s branding and website. I was honored. And so excited to play a small part in this amazing journey he’s on.
So without further adieu, here’s the brand and website we created for his campaign—Blankenship for Congress.
Website navigation is the main menu of a site and a resource for people trying to navigate through your site. It’s typically found toward the top of each page and should be front and center for your visitors to easily find.
One of the largest hurdles I see people face when trying to setup their website is determining how to organize the information. They struggle with knowing how many pages to include and which pages to set up.
It can be tricky to determine the best way to organize your website, pages and navigation. So I’ve put together a list of the steps I go through when setting up each of my clients’ websites.
Most entrepreneurs know how important a website is for their business. It's typically the most exciting step, because it feels like you're finally solidifying your decision to launch!
In fact, most people assume it’s the very first thing they should tackle when launching their business. I, too, fell into that trap. It caused me to have to redo my site because I didn’t think everything through beforehand.
For those of you, like me, who just like to jump and then think, this post is for you.
There are several factors to consider before diving headfirst into your website creation. And many of these items are a requirement before most designers will even begin working with you.
Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to your site, especially if your intended audience consists of women. I know several successful entrepreneurs who get a lot of their traffic, and ultimately clients, from Pinterest.
Pinterest is considered a search engine, even though most of us lump it into the social media category. I personally go to Pinterest anytime I’m looking for help on a business topic, or searching for design inspiration.
If you have a blog, Pinterest will be your very best friend. You’ll want to get setup with a business account so you can view analytics, create ads, and expand your audience.
Some of the biggest events in your life involve a structured, or not-so-structured, process. Your high-school graduation. Your wedding day. The arrival of your first child. All these big events include planning, preparation and organizing. Every successful event must have some form of process.
I’m in no way comparing a rebrand or website design to these life-altering events, but it is an event nonetheless. And event that, just like the others, has a process.
We’ve all worked with those people who are neither structured nor organized, and the “process” is typically chaotic. If you’re anything like me, that stresses you out. I’m the type of person who loves to have a plan. Not just a plan, but an efficient plan at that.
And I’m no different when it comes to my client process.
Since I frequently get asked about my process, I thought it was time to write a blog about it. So if you’ve always wondered what it would look like to work with me on a branding project, wonder no more.
Your website is your main form of interaction with clients and readers. Potential customers may visit your site to view your work, check out your services, read your blog, or contact you. While they are bopping around your site, you want to make sure they get all the good vibes possible. You want them to see how serious you take your business so they'll take it just as seriously. Nothing says “legit business” like a custom, well-designed website.
There are many ways to make your Squarespace template unique and special to your business. So I put together a list of the ways I find most important.
I’m super excited to celebrate my latest client as she launches her new brand and website today! When Michelle first reached out to me about designing her blog, I thought, “What an interesting combination—running and eating donuts.” But the more I learned about her story, the more excited I became.
Michelle travels a lot for her job, and she’s also a runner. (In fact, she is currently training for a full marathon!) She discovered a while ago, as she was training for these races, that she had to take in a lot of calories in order to keep up with her training. So she started eating donuts (naturally).
While in New Orleans, she stumbled upon a donut shop listed on The 33 Best Donut Shops in America (by As she looked through the list, she realized the author hadn’t actually visited all 33 shops, and a lightbulb went off, ”I should try all these donut shops before I turn 30,” she thought.
That’s when Donuts for Miles was born. Michelle travels around the US discovering the country’s best donuts and running trails, and shares it with all of us through her blog. How cool is that?
I have never craved donuts more in my life than I have throughout the span of this project! It’s nearly impossible to spend weeks looking through images of delicious donuts and not want some for yourself. (I only indulged a couple times.)
Here are the details from this super fun (and delicious!) design project.
A couple months ago, a local photographer, named Kristen, reached out to me about creating a website for her photography business. She specializes in nonprofit and NGO photography in the DC area, which piqued my interest because I worked in the nonprofit sector for several years. Not only that, but one of my roles there was to hire photographers for our events. So I felt like I really understood what she was looking for, since I had been on the client end of her target audience.
Kristen is an organized, detail-oriented, talented photographer who does a great job of capturing real-life moments. Her work is thoughtful with a great story-telling aspect. I can’t wait to see the impactful work Kristen will do moving forward!
Here are the details from our her branding and website design project.